Building your dream figure is a multi-stage process. It consists not only in the development of muscle mass, but also in the subsequent burning of fat tissue. In both cases, it is crucial to introduce a balanced diet and plan an appropriate energy surplus or caloric deficit. If you want to maximize your effects, you can also support yourself with a whole range of specialized preparations that will help you achieve the perfect proportions. Which supplements for reduction will be the most effective? You will find the answer to this and other questions in this article!
Building muscle mass and burning fat
Both muscle building and fat burning are a long-term process – both are essential for satisfactory results in the gym. However, each of them is governed by its own laws. In order to gain the desired muscle mass, you should first adjust your energy supply. It is worth slowly increasing the calorie content of your dishes so that later on you do not get too tired when getting rid of extra centimeters.
In order to build muscle mass, make sure you have the right amount of wholesome protein, good sources of fat and complex carbohydrates in the menu. Another, equally important element is the selection of the load during training, which will allow you to increase the volume of your muscles. Beware of long cardio sessions that can cancel out the caloric surplus in your diet and thus reduce your chance of getting the look you want.
When it comes to burning fat, it is an equally important stage on the way to your dream figure. However, keep in mind that it requires you to adapt your current diet, as well as the structure of your workouts to the new goal. Cutting calories should not take place at the expense of the most important nutrients. In addition, higher intensity units can be included at this stage, for example, interval training. Dietary supplements that accelerate metabolism and fat burning and optimize the weight loss process on reduction can also help you.
What supplements will help you reduce body fat?
During reduction, you have at least a few specifics at your disposal to boost the metabolic rate. Despite the fact that you are in a caloric deficit at this stage, do not give up on the basic dietary supplement, which is a protein supplement. The protein contained in this product will make it easier for you to maintain the muscles you have developed. Other dietary supplements in the reduction process are vitamin preparations, fat burners, adaptogens, branched-chain amino acids and substances that suppress excessive appetite. What will be most helpful for people who are active during reduction?
Protein is an essential building block of muscle mass. However, few people remember that it is also a valuable source of energy that accelerates regeneration after training. 1 g of protein provides the body with 4 kcal. Therefore, protein supplements can support you on your way to an athletic figure, providing you with the right portion of “fuel” and helping to reduce body fat.
An adequate supply of protein guarantees a long-lasting feeling of satiety, which is extremely important when we are on a reduction diet. Thanks to this, there is no need to snack between meals. In addition, reports from the world of science show that a protein shake can accelerate metabolism by up to several percent. Proteins also have a positive effect on the endocrine system and participate in the secretion of growth hormone.
Does creatine help reduce body fat?
Creatine is usually associated with the first stage of body building, i.e. gaining mass. However, it turns out that it also deserves special attention during the period of fat reduction. What should you know about it?
Thanks to its properties, creatine protects muscle tissue from breakdown, and the body from loss of strength. This translates into performing a much larger number of series and repetitions, which are also followed by changes in body fat.
Is it worth using creatine? Of course – a number of scientific studies confirm its beneficial effect on many processes in the body. Adhering to the dosages given by the manufacturer ensures no side effects and better results in the gym, even when burning body fat.
- Branched-chain amino acids
In order to reduce body fat faster, it is worth including branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) in the treatment. In this category, you can find leucine, valine and isoleucine, which are provided with a balanced diet. They are a reserve source of energy, thanks to which they ensure proper muscle function during physical activity. Their additional advantage is the elimination of soreness after training and shortening the duration of soreness.
- Fat burners
Branched-chain amino acids are not the only option on the market. Unnecessary kilograms in our body can also be overcome on reduction with the help of fat burners based on natural ingredients. However, it is worth using them with a certain amount of caution and reaching for them only when a low supply of calories is not enough.
At the very beginning of reduction, you can usually notice quick effects, but over time the pace of this process slows down. This is a critical moment during which appropriate supplementation will come to your aid. Fat burners work within the adipose tissue, releasing fatty acids and reducing weight loss time